Short Men's Fashion Blog

A few years ago, I made a friend whose name was Jane. Jane wasn’t gifted with height genes, Jane was short. She stood at about four feet, ten inches tall. She would tell me about how she used to get bullied in high school because she was quite small. There were times when she didn’t go to school because boys and girls alike would pick on her and call her names like “midget” and “dwarf.” As a result, she started feeling very insecure about her height. When she got to college, she still got called derogatory names about her height. Even though most of the people that mentioned her height did it playfully and in passing, it still made her feel bad.

A lot of women are like Jane. They get constantly abused for something that is entirely no fault of theirs thereby killing their self-esteem.  Confidence is a key attribute all go-getters desire and the average human being feels the need to be confident. Confidence is one of the psychological factors that affect a person’s self-esteem. The things and situations that make people confident can vary widely. A 2013 study carried out at Oxford University showed that shorter people shoes feel more vulnerable, more negative about themselves, and are more paranoid. It does not mean that every short person lacks confidence. However, it does give a piece of relatively accurate information.

Do you feel less confident or less of a person because of your height? Well, if the answer to this question is yes, I have both bad news and good news for you. The bad news is that as a full-grown human being, you most likely cannot change your height or grow any taller. Of course, you already know this; but you might not know the good news. The good news is that there are shoes that can make you look much taller. You are probably thinking about high heel shoes right now. You must think it is rather ridiculous that high heel shoes are being suggested if you are a man who is not a cross-dresser. Well, the shoes being talked about are not high heel shoes; rather, they are known as elevator shoes.

Elevator shoes, like some would think when they first hear the term, has nothing to do with elevators. Rather, they are height-enhancing shoes that help you look and appear taller than you are. Like already mentioned, elevator shoes could be of great help concerning confidence as many people who feel insecure because of their height could use them. The boost of confidence that elevator shoes give will come in handy in very many situations. It could be an important event like your wedding and you want to look a tad taller; maybe your husband is a  lot taller than you and both of you feel like aesthetically, it’s bad for the wedding photos. You couldn’t find a better solution than elevator shoes.

The fashion or comfort question is one that many people have to answer when picking outfits. Some people pick fashion; this means that they would wear clothing or clothing accessories that are uncomfortable because they are stylish. Others choose comfort and it implies that they would not wear a very stylish but uncomfortable outfit. When it comes to elevator shoes, you do not have to choose either fashion or comfort because they are both stylish and very comfortable.

Elevator shoes look just like normal shoes whether they are corporate dress shoes like brogues and oxfords or sneakers. Elevator shoes look like normal shoes so you can still wear whatever type of shoes you want to wear. You do not have to wear any type of special pair of shoes simply because you want to look taller. Every basic type of shoe can be made as a pair of elevator shoes. All you have to do is find the right place to buy them.

Going further, high heel shoes are rather uncomfortable. Also, most women lack the skill to rock high heel shoes effortlessly. A lot of women wear high heel shoes out only to remove them and wear more comfortable shoes when they get to their destination. Studies have shown that the average desired height for women in the United States is approximately 5.8 feet. It has also been found that the average height for women and in the United States also is 5.4 inches. So, it is evident that women spend a lot of time and resources trying to look taller.

It is for this reason that a large number of women wear high heel shoes. However, as a result of the discomfort that comes with wearing high heel shoes, elevator shoes could be a great substitute for them. The discomfort that comes from wearing high heel shoes stems from the fact that the heel is disproportionately raised in comparison to other parts of the shoe. It is almost like walking on your toes but your heels are resting on a raised, narrow platform. Also, some high heel shoes are made such that the heels are even tinier and longer; these are more aesthetic but also more uncomfortable.

Apart from the discomfort that they give, high heel shoes have been known to make people that wear them develop defined calf muscles. As a result of the pressure high heels put on the calves, women who wear them regularly tend to have developed, defined calf muscles. A set of defined calves produces masculine-looking legs which most women don’t like. Instead of high heels, elevator shoes could be used to avoid this.  

Elevator shoes would be more appropriate than high heel shoes because they are more comfortable. The mechanism for enhancing height in elevator shoes makes for increased height with probably even more comfort. You would not have to remove your shoes when you get to your place of work and wear a pair of flip flops or slides because you would not feel any discomfort.

You do not have to go from glam to drag with Elevator shoes as it is with high heels. They keep you elevated and your posture upright while you go about your everyday life. This means you can maintain and keep secret the mystery behind your height without turning off your crush and admirers.

Another valid reason to choose elevator shoes is discretion. They make for an opportunity to look taller in the eyes of everyone and keep them oblivious to the fact that you are not as tall as you look. It is like you can increase your height because if nobody apart from you knows your height is enhanced, the enhanced height is your actual height to them. All thanks to the invincible insole. This discretion is a major reason for wearing elevator shoes because it prevents anyone from knowing your “little secret.” More specifically, if you are wearing elevator shoes because you are insecure about your height, like a lot of people are, discretion is probably the most important feature for you.

Furthermore, a great benefit of elevator shoes is its versatility. There is an elevator shoe for whatever occasion and use. Maybe you are a fitness enthusiast and you’d like to look taller while at the gym because you are trying to impress “a certain someone?” It could also be that you run a lot and you like to look taller when you running in the park or the woods. There are elevators trainers that you could use for that purpose. For people who have white-collar jobs, office shoes also have elevator variations. Monks, Derbys, Loafers, Oxfords, and Brogues can all be purchased as elevator shoes. There are elevator shoes for certain professions such as safety and industrial boots for engineers and emergency responders like firemen. So in case you have to wear a specific type of footwear to work or school, you would find elevator shoes that suit your needs.

Sometimes you would find that a lot of women tend to wear shoes that have high soles because they are insecure about their height. Sometimes, they would prefer to wear flat-soles shoes but they do not because then they appear true to their height. These high-soled shoes sometimes look and feel big and examples include heavy boots, big sneakers and so on. Are you one of such persons? Luckily, elevator shoes are a fine alternative. With Elevator shoes, You can wear the ‘flat’ shoes you want to wear and still enhance your height. While some women go as far as wearing very high-soled shoes even when they do not match their clothes, some others who make sure their shoes match their clothes cannot diversify their choice of outfits because they have to stick to a particular type of shoe. Well, the good news is that if you do this, you do not have to do it anymore because elevator shoes are a very appropriate solution.  

It is relatively well known that quite a few celebrities use elevator shoes to make themselves look a tad taller. Very famous people like Tom Cruise, Lionel Messi, Brad Pitt, Simon Cowell, Sylvester Stallone, Daniel Radcliffe, Mick Jagger, Vin Diesel, Zac Posen and Robert Downey Jr. have been known to wear elevator shoes to different events. If a large number of famous people do wear elevator shoes to increase their height a little, don’t you think it would be alright if you went ahead and purchased one for yourself right now?

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