CMR Chamaripa is the international professional elevator shoes brand. CMR Chamaripa Elevator Shoes Canada is born to solve customer needs. The college years are undoubtedly one of the best times in life and it gives us memories that will last a lifetime. It is one of the most interesting, educational and experiential times in an individual's life. Such a great time calls for equally fine clothing.
We all know the importance of getting through the day without feeling the unbearable pain of high heels. A pair or two of comfortable but thick-soled sneakers will carry you through the entire semester. The fun fact that sneakers can be worn with almost anything makes them a key part of your closet.
Your clothes define your style, your style defines your fashion, and your fashion says a lot about you. It's often hard to choose a stylish look every day, luckily we found you. Here are some basic ideas to help you choose your daily outfit.
1. Open the weather app before you open your closet.
If it's cloudy outside, your decision to wear thick clothes may be futile, design yourself according to the weather outside. If it's cold, you can wear more layers, and if it's shiny outside, you can change into spring and summer clothes.
2. Know the statement you want to make with your everyday fashion
This is by far one of the most important things to remember. Dress yourself for the occasion, style yourself for your Instagram selfies or dress yourself for your office. Make sure you have the appropriate preconceived outfits. Once you've completed this step, go ahead and choose a sexy outfit for a date or a formal outfit for your office, or why not both.
3. Go with your mood and go with the flow.
Sometimes your mood will control your dress code, and many times your dress code will make your mood better. They say you'll never find a woman sad in a pretty dress. Choose your happy dress every day and treat yourself the way you want others to treat you. Wear something that will get you compliments and make you feel ecstatic.
4. Start layering
Once you've completed your occasion and style statement, start by choosing your base or first layer of clothing. There are many options for basic tops and jeans, but try building your outfit around the foundation. Now jazz up your outfit with outer layers and you're almost there. Jackets, shirts, tank tops, and blazers are great layers.
5. Pick your accessories and shoes
The kind of shoes you should choose depends on your dress code. Consider everything that is happening or will happen during the day and complete your style. The shoes you choose can make or break your outfit, try to match or mix and match if it is your style. Now you are ready to choose your favorite accessories, such as earrings, watches, purses, necklaces, scarves, and whatever you like.
The above advice will cover pretty much everything related to style and accessorizing during these awesome college years. !