Short Men's Fashion Blog

I first came to know the world of elevator shoes while I was doing some shopping at a local mall. There was this store exclusively selling elevator shoes. I came inside and noticed how they look like normal shoes, but with special features. My curiosity started to kick in and I was amazed by how a simple pair of black leather…

Being short is not as easy as it seems. While most of the world’s population dream of growing up to be tall, but we really can’t stop genetics from getting in the way. However, these eight famous short celebrities can prove to you that height is not a factor when chasing your dream. Together with their achievements, let’s also take a…

Being short is not something you should be ashamed of. As a matter of fact, dressing for a man your size – and just like any other height – only requires a certain level of mastery of the body. First and foremost, you must know what looks best on you, what feels good for you, and what you prefer best…

Not all feet are born the same. Some feet are longer than the other while there are also feet that are narrow, medium sized (the most common), and wide. Most of the shoes available on the market today are medium sized, but there are also other brands that cater to other types of feet. If you are reading this, then…